step for the beginner
I assume that you already understand the note value. If not, you better go to my first session here Allright, now we get to the very basic pattern practice you have to master. Now, you gonna need a pair of stick and a snare drum or a pad. Don't forget :
you see, at the first bar, there's 4 counting of 1/16 note, following to the 2nd bar is 1/8 note, and the 3rd is 1/4 note. Do the alternate sticking : right-left-right-left-...(always start with R hand, so it lead you - it happen to fall every pulses) You should try each of counting systems along the excercises. I realize, that so much area I haven't cover yet. The stick grip : take it easy. There's some certain sticking technique, what you have to pay attention is controling the bounce and eficient use of your wrist and finger muscle. For the right technique, sorry, you have to get someone or watching some one play. If
you're right handed (I suppose so), it's very normal to have weaker
left You
can try to lead with your left hand, to make it stronger (I've done
it There's
a lot other concept of drumming out there, this just what mine. Be Be creative :Now the rest note, or some peoples call it "silent note".
is the note that we count but not play - no sound for it - silent - rest - diam - whatever... Now, drummer, get ready your metronome, sticks and pad, I have a simple practice pattern to introduce you applying the rest note. Click here, and it will open a new window Here's some reading material you can use :
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