my story
When I was a high school student in SMA (SMA stands for Senior High School, that's in Indonesian Language) I never thought of what life become. After all, who does. It was back on 1989, was graduated from high school then continue to college. First idea was become a musician, enter music college then live life as a professional musician. My mother is a piano teacher and my father run a music store in denpasar called Griya Musik Irama Indah and I was born in September 30th, 1970. That make sense, eh... Instead, in 1989 I went to a visual art institute in Yogyakarta, called ISI (stands for Institut Seni Indonesia). It was my mother strong belief that "cannot make a living with music!". Offcourse that's could be true in this planet. But, while in college, I still performed with many local cover band, covering many style, including fast heavy rock, punk, even score music for a play. Rakosa Rock, Gladiator, Wanted, Nuance. I spent many times, hang out with musicians community and music college students in town. The most remarkable time in life was, when at last my parents afford me to go to United States, to study at Percussion Institute of Technology Musicians Institute, in Hollywood, Los Angeles, in 1995. Joe Porcaro and Ralph Humprey was in there, in fact, my class is the last year before they moved to LAMA. Taken private lesson with Chuck Flores, play with many musicians around the world. Meet the hall of fame. It's a dreams come true. I spent a year to get my 1 year classic program in PIT and perform as an Honour Graduate. I moved back after leaving for almost 13 years, to Bali, my hometown, it was late 1999. And here, continue playing, teaching, also published 2 books : Begin Da Beat and Play da Rhythm as a complement for my drums class teaching programme. And so as a freelance designer for a wooden house company "GAZEBO BALI". I designed some wood houses, man! Life has a funny way to...
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